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FIFA World Cup Footballs Manufactured in Wittenborg Student's Hometown

Wittenborg student hails from city where FIFA World Cup footballs are manufacturedWittenborg student hails from city where FIFA World Cup footballs are manufactured

In May 2015, Farhat packed her bags and left Sialkot to move to the Netherlands to pursue her studies in Information Management at Wittenborg.  According to Farhat, Sialkot is a small city that is comparable to Apeldoorn, home of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences. The Pakistan city is well known for manufacturing sports gear and accessories for companies such as Adidas. Prior to moving to the Netherlands, Farhat was the Assistant Production Manager at Charr Industries, a manufacturing company that makes sports gear and accessories for different types of sport. 

Did you know that the footballs used in the FIFA World Cup this time were manufactured in the city you came from?
“I didn’t know exactly, but when I read about it I felt very proud because I know the company, Forward Sports, and used to pass by it daily on my way to and from work. I also know people who worked there, and still work there. It’s a famous company, and the official manufacturer for Adidas, manufacturing all their sportswear and accessories.”

How did you come to be in the Netherlands, and at Wittenborg?
“I have heard a lot about Holland through colleagues and friends who have been here either through studies or business. They told me that Holland is a wonderful country to study in with great scope for international students. I chose Wittenborg because it was the only university offering all programmes in English. I couldn’t find the same in other countries such as Germany.”

Do you plan on returning to Sialkot after you have graduated?
“Yes. After graduation, I would like to return to Sialkot to visit and see my family, but then return to the Netherlands to gain some work experience in the field I studied for.”

Farhat currently lives with her family in Amsterdam and hopes to graduate this summer.

WUP 24/06/2018

by Rousanna Baird
©Wittenborg University Press

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